¿Qué es más barato hacer funcionar una bomba de calor o un horno de gas? 2022-09-22

Algunos escenarios implican que el funcionamiento de las bombas de calor sea menos costoso que el uso de hornos de gas. Sin embargo, algunos casos también pueden crear configuraciones rentables ideales para permitir que los hornos de gas requieran menos gastos que las bombas de calor.

Es aconsejable considerar este asunto en términos de valor en lugar de gastos generales. Por ejemplo, los hornos de gas a menudo ofrecen un mejor valor que las bombas de calor.

Homeowners using natural gas-powered furnaces can expect to pay $260 to $1,550 in annual energy costs for these systems. That range fits well into the national average of paying $661 in natural gas costs.

On the other hand, a sealed-system boiler may deliver reduced heating costs. Moreover, this option is usually less laborious to install than other heating frameworks. In turn, installation, maintenance, and usage expenses are generally less expensive with the boiler than other heating systems.

But you may also save money on professional labor costs if you opt for DIY installation and maintenance procedures. If so, you can save from $850 to $5,500. Moreover, you can gain additional skills by familiarizing yourself with your chosen heating system .

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